Well, where do I start? as I woke up this morning the day after election day, I feel drained. I feel drained in a good way. I feel as though I have awaken to a "Do Over", by this I mean that as an American who happens to be black, I really feel that anything is possible in this country. I love America! Born and raised in this country. I have served my country by deploying to Bosnia and I have served my country through military service for nine years , GO ARMY !!!!!!!. I have seen parts of the world that no American will ever get to see, and for that I am grateful. I have received a college education that I earned by paying for it with my blood, sweat and tears that I have shed as a soldier. I re-enlisted for my Countries Military a total of 3 times. There are people in America that would think that they are more entitled to Life, liberty & The Pursuit Of Happiness before I, only based on the color of their skin. There are people in this country who no matter what my credentials are, have seen me as inferior. But as I woke up this morning on 05 Nov 2008, To a world that has elected Barrack Obama as the 44th President, words escape me. I would like to say thank-you to all those who have decided to make a stand in this country and prove to the world that Americans and voting go together like"peas & Carrots", "Ham & Eggs" or the ever classic "PB & J". Thank-you for believing in the process and like a beacon in the night, shining your light of hope & unification , yes we can! I feel at this moment in life, I can look my nieces and nephews in the eye and and tell them with the utmost sincerity that they are the future and that they can really be whatever they want to be! I am not sure that I had believed this entirely until now. "I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard our Country and way of Life, I am prepared to give my life in it's Defense". I have always meant this, when I have had to recite this during my active duty days, it still gives me goosebumps. I really, truly believe that we have finally come to the moment in our evolution that we are all on the same leveled playing field, I really feel like I have been acknowledged at this moment in time. Hooray!! thank you America, thank you Obama for " the Audacity of Hope".