Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Everyone is in a Caste System! Like it or Not we just are. What I find interesting are those in life who are in the lower levels of the Cast System, I am not speaking of the hard working blue collar workers that keep America Going! I mean the jobless, homeless, shiftless,dreamless,hopeless,tasteless,gutless people in America fully capable of doing and who are content with not having, believe it or not there are millions of these people among us who do not work hard for the American Dream of financial security , the house, vacations etc etc and as hard as we work, we must pay for these people who do not have the will, you know why!! Handouts!!!! as long as America is willing to handout ,shell out and payout to the lazy! these dead eyed dead souls will continue to take and take. remember how Immigrants would pour through Ellis Island with "the dream" work 5 jobs and own their own business? why don't Americans today have that same belief? Handouts, people are to good to work for what they want so instead these people would rather accept mediocrity and get buy on rations and dreams only worth a pile of dust

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